Tunisian Baby Blanket Free Pattern

Tunisian Baby Blanket Free Pattern

Tunisian Baby Blankets

Tunisia is a wonderful baby blanket for ladies who love the work of blankets models canimanne.com youtube channel we prepared for you a wonderful blanket work is waiting for your appreciation.

Mothers, mothers and aunts baby blankets are the most useful items that should be found in the baby bag. Especially if we love our own handcrafts, tunisian baby blanket model will be a great example for you.

We have friends who order a baby blanket. They will have a very nice work in it. Wish you plenty to order. Do not decide without visiting our page. To reach different models, just click on the links in our article.

Hope to be with you in the new knitting models, I wish to make our friends who are already comfortable. GOODBYE

Tunisian Baby Blankets Start Weaving
Tunisia Bussiness Baby Blanket Model Details And Construction
This video we shared with you the model of Tunisian business detailed lady dilendi bey liked the model blanket

This blanket can be used in the construction of the desired color you can use as increasing ropes.

I’ve used 8 color rope.

First of all, we prepared the details of the motifs of Tunisia, we embraced the whole with the model of the lady who liked the language, then we switched to the process of adding the edge rows after weaving.

First, we then turned the blanket of motifs we added one after the other.

The last edge of the blanket we’ve done the process of copying all of our video

Now, let’s go over the video and watch the whole thing work together.

Don’t forget to click on our link for knitting, knitting and hand work, crochet, baby blanket making all and more. We are very happy if you support us with your likes and shares in your social media accounts. Your sharing is very important for the continuity of the video narration.

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Tunisian Baby Blankets


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