The DH’s Office…what colour do you think it will be?

The DH’s  Office…what colour do you think it will be?

So, in a week and a half, the new ICU is opening! This is a big deal for us, because it is a “closed” ICU and we are all very excited about it!!! In preparation, I am busy decorating Gerry’s new office. Of course, everything is currently beige and white (is that supposed to be calming for patients or for putting doctors to sleep?), and really folks, I cannot abide it! SO….here are the before pictures…not quite done, but enough of an idea for you to take in the scene…

It’s not a huge room, space being quite an issue because we are after all, on the fourth floor, so the room is about 13m2 in size and in addition has an attached loo. What is wonderful, is that on the one side there is an entire bank of windows, so it get LOADS of light coming in. I have been running around all week (at least every moment I managed to squeeze in), getting together all the ideas and bits of furniture. I really want this to be a space he enjoys being in…

Ok…so the question, Dear Readers is this….What colour/s do you think I am going to paint this room in? (*Hint: No, it’s not pink…)…

For fun, I am going to give a copy of my Lollo African Flower Bear Pattern to the person, who guesses correctly (or the nearest in any case… 🙂 ) Enter by leaving a comment , with the colour you think the office will be 🙂 PLEASE NOTE: if you decide to enter by leaving a comment, you must have a Ravelry account! The files are huge, so the pattern can only be delivered via Ravelry!

Next week, when the office is done, I will post pictures and the colours will be revealed!

Hope you are all working on your Heartmade lists 🙂 I have pinned a lot of ideas and stuff on Pinterest, so take a look for some inspiration!



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