How to be Study Room Design?

Study rooms, in order to work comfortably are always the most appropriate environment. Must you can perform your work here at any moment entering the study. How can I study room decor design should be the most comfortable way how to study so you may be asking.
There are thousands that can be given to this question, the answer decor and design. But, to make generalizations, study rooms should always be designed in a comfortable middle class way. Designed in a convenient way too much work room, work will be done in comfortable, it can not be obtained any efficiency.
Therefore, study rooms are not always taken into consideration comfort, efficient study design must be taken into consideration. Instead of using a soft cushion, always higher and hard chairs should be used.
Always necessarily a computer table or desk in the study room should be located. Operating room design must be like if he was asked, must study rooms should be preferred in a bright room.
Desk must be placed at the bright side.
The shelves with goods in the style of the library should be placed at the ends of the room.
There must be a large area.
To navigate more comfortable cushions or style puff out over a large area is needed to put it.
And work should always hanging posters in the room will make it work efficiently.