Sailor Baby Blanket Free Pattern

Sailor Baby Blanket Free Pattern

Hello dear friends ına Dear Mom Welcome to YouTube Channel

It is one of the most preferred blanket models by our mothers. The multi-purpose baby blanket we use on strollers or strollers is waiting for you.

I think the sailor baby blanket model is a very elegant baby blanket on which the wonderful colors meet. It is a model that can easily be done by our not very difficult women.

Baby blanket is the best blanket model we can call a lady in our order. It will be very convenient for you to make a video. Please do not forget to visit different blanket models are available on our page.

I wish to make new knitting and medical blanket models with our friends who wish to be together again. Goodbye..

Sailor Baby Blanket Making
Hello dear friends, we have been trying to tell you the sailor blanket model which has been demanding for a long time. It’s a long labor and challenging video stage, but we’re done. Because of the excess, we had to divide it into pieces,

Initially, we told you about the weaving, I used 100 grams of baby’s wool at 100 grams and you can use 4 or 4.5 millimeter crochet. You don’t have to have the same length of thread as you like the texture or you can evaluate the ropes that fit your blanket.

Non-crocheted ones may also be normal with normal skew, but the size of the blanket is a little harder than 80 inches. You can get information from the comments in the video below.

As a number, you can increase the size of the frames that you initially have, or you can make them smaller by removing them. You can find how many chains you want to start by pulling the chain according to your desired dimensions. For a more detailed explanation, if you watch our video from start to finish, you can easily understand what you need to adjust.

If you have anything you want to ask or ask, you can write your comments and get your answer. We try to return to each question as much as we can in this video we only have three parts of our blanket processing and embroidered parts will be published later. In the average week I guess all of them will be published after the comments can not find the comments you can leave us as a link to friends who already wish to do as we wish you please enjoy sharing our video. Goodbye

Baby blanket, crochet, knitting and hand work all and more will be enough to click on our link.

Sailor Baby Blanket Making


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