Making mirror out of plastic spoons

Making mirror out of plastic spoons

There are many interesting decoration ideas for your home. You can easily create them by yourself. You only need beginner skill level for most of the do it yourself ideas. These interesting decorating ideas help you to make your home look more friendly.


Today’s subject is how to create a mirror out of plastic spoons. For this project you will need plastic spoons, a cardboard,scissors, a glue gun,a mirror and color spray. You can use wreath forms  instead of a cardboard if you wish to make a bigger mirror. Put your mirror onto the cardboard and mark the diameter of your mirror.


Afterwards mark a bigger circle on the cardboard and cut it out with your scissors. Than you have to break the spoon handles. Stick your spoons with the help of the glue gun around the little circle for your mirror. Continue adhering your spoons inorder to cover up your cardboard with plastic spoons.


After you are finished with sticking the spoons, spray your spoons with the color you wish. Now you can put your mirror into the middle of your spoons and stick it on. Another option is to paint each layer of spoons with different colors ,so that you have a more colorful mirror.


Do it yourself projects make great gifts for your friends or your family. Your home made mirror could be the perfect gift for your friend on her birthday , if she loves make up or skin care.



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