Laundry Basket Garden DIY – İDEAS

Laundry Basket Garden DIY – İDEAS

Laundry Basket Garden DIY – İDEAS


A few months ago, our elderly neighbors started constructing a garden in their driveway using plastic laundry baskets. The HH told me I needed to go and take a look because it was incredible!

Hopefully, my attempt to explain this way of gardening to you will make sense. My neighbor, Mr. G., told me that he spent all winter researching ways to grow a garden because of his limited mobility. He and Mrs. G. are no longer able to till a garden or squat and bend to pick weeds and vegetables. So, they came up with a basket garden and it is amazing!


Mr. G. started with cheap laundry baskets from Wal-Mart and lined them with landscape fabric to hold in the dirt. He also drilled a hole in the bottom of the basket and inserted a tube to soak up water.

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Mr. G’s sons took a gutter and stabilized it using wood and the baskets were placed on top of this structure. As you can see from the photos, concrete blocks were used to give the structure height.


This photo shows a plastic floating device that regulates the water that goes into the gutter. Think toilet! When the water in the gutter gets low the “float” drops down which opens a valve and releases water to the garden!


Look at the blue barrel in the corner of the above photo. This is what feeds water into the gutters that, in turn, feeds water to the plants. Using a hose pipe, Mr. G fills the barrel up with water and has a self-watering garden!




As you can see, the garden baskets are producing very well. This is a great method of gardening for elderly people or people who have a limited amount of space. Here are some other methods of small gardening.

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