Knitting Tea Kettle Cover Made

Knitting Tea Kettle Cover Made

Not only for relieving but also spending your free time for good things, today I would like to explain you how to knit tea kettle sheath. This is really entertaining and useful activity to chill out and get rid of your stress.


It is very easy to knit and after you finish you will be pleased with your designing when you use it in your daily life.


First of all, I would like to mention about the necessary materials for our this project as below:

  • Awl
  • Colorful yarns or wools
  • Crochet needle
  • Scissors
  • Marker
  • Tea Kettle


I will tell you the recipe as below:

  • Let’s start with doing a chain to the basement. And let’s knit a circle.
  • After we knit the basement, let’s put the tea kettle on knitting part then this will help us to check our pattern.
  • After knitting a small piece for sides, let’s check the Pictures fort he part of tea kettle that tea comes out.


  • Let’s put a small hole in the middle part.
  • And then, let’s close the hole by knitting a chain.
  • Afterwards, let’s knit till the cover par of tea kettle.
  • Let’s finish our Project by knitting the cover part with another kind of knitting style.
  • While you are knitting, you should remain open the holder part.
  • And, finally, you can put a switch to the basement by knitting. Here is your knitting tea kettle cover.

For your information during your knitting, you can have ideas from our pictures attached in this article.

Good Luck!




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