How to End Cable Chaos?

How to End Cable Chaos?

How to End Cable Chaos?

Dealing with cables is pretty hard, they mix in and they can be hardly split. They are looking messy as well. Since there is not an exact solution to end cable chaos, you can try organizing them.

You can add designs to your wall using extremely long cables.


Adding designs to your wall using long cables is both looking nice and filling the empty walls.

Attach the ends of cables to your desk, so that you can reach them easily anytime you need.

With the help of paper clamps, you can attach the ends of your frequently used cables and reach them easily whenever you need.


You can label the ends of the cables, so they will not confuse you.


Plugs of the cables are very alike, they can easily confuse people. You can label what tool they belong to, so that you can remove the right plug or plug in the right one. Labeling the cables is an easy solution to end cable chaos.


Toilet paper rolls can actually help you to organize your cables.


Since most of people use toilet paper a lot, toilet paper rolls can be reused in a different way too. Toilet paper rolls can actually be helpful with organizing cables too. All you have to do is roll the cables around themselves and stick the rolled cables in to the toilet paper rolls. You will not believe how organized your messy cables will be.


Old toys can both decorate your tables and help you dealing with cables.

Who would think that old toys can help organizing cables and stuff? To end cable chaos you can use your old toys.


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