How About Building Up your Own Ecosystem?

How About Building Up your Own Ecosystem?

How About Building Up your Own Ecosystem?

Did you get bored of having the same plants on your desk? Are you looking for something different? Then try out yourself the new terrarium trend! Terrariums are kind of aquariums, but its residents are plants instead of fish. In short, it is a miniature indoor garden inside of a glass container. Internet is loaded up with information regarding terrarium for beginners including your shopping list for your first terrarium.


What are you going to need for your first terrarium?

Terrarium for beginners shopping list should include the ingredients below:

-Glass container (interesting shapes are more preferable)

-Rocks (sea glass, marbles, pebbles)


– Sphagnum or sheet moss


-Plants (Try to choose plants, which do not overgrow.)

-Basic tools needed for planting (Spoons, funnel for putting the soil in, long tweezers to arrange the surroundings, paper towel for cleaning the dirty spots at the end, etc.)


-Decorative materials (Sea shells, feathers, miniatures, anything you can imagine basically, which might contribute to your terrarium theme. Yes your terrarium can have a specific theme like a fairy garden, a city park or an amusement park.)


When it comes to ingredients, the sky is your limit actually.

If you don’t want to deal with all the material shopping but still want to do something with your own hands, there are terrarium for beginners kits available right on the market. You can just purchase one, combine the materials according to the instructions and voila! You can enjoy your “handmade” terrarium.


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