An Old Dresser Got a Stunning Lace Makeover

An Old Dresser Got a Stunning Lace Makeover

An Old Dresser Got a Stunning Lace Makeover

An Old Dresser Got a Stunning Lace Makeover

An Old Dresser Got a Stunning Lace Makeover

Lace and a Hot Mess

This just might be one of my favorite redos. Minus the spiders, their eggs and a whole lotta cob webs. Besides the spiders and their soon to be babies it came with a rotted leg which I fixed using this method.
Here’s a pic after I scrubbed her with Clorox Clean Up and sanded down some peeling paint. Yup, this is after I cleaned her up.
And here she is after….

If you have an unsightly old dresser and you are thinking to get rid of it then change your plan.


You can give it a budget-friendly yet a stunning makeover. For that paint it in a solid color and simply place pieces of lace fabric over it when dried. After that spray paint it in a color that is visible on the dresser’s paint.


The drawer fronts were done by laying a piece of lace fabric over them and then spray painting. I taped off the edge of the drawers first because I wanted to keep them white. I used Rustoleum Aluminum in a matte finish and sprayed the pulls as well. Make sure to use a fresh piece of lace for each part you spray…trust me on this!

I loved doing this one so much, not to mention it sold super quick, I did another.

Happy Weekend and Happy Painting!!!


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